Simple Promise™

Bombshell study from
Johns Hopkins University****
reveals that…

A Misunderstood Hormone (“Hormone X”) Is Preventing
Every Single Human Being
Losing Weight.

I heard a kid’s voice ring out, clear as a bell:

“You’d better not jump in that pool
or we’ll run out of water!”

And then…

“Are you sure you bought the right size swimsuit? Because it looks like it’s about to rip...”

There I was…

Perched at the edge of the pool, ready to dive into the deep end...

And all I could hear were those insults coming out of that little twerp's mouth.

The words went right into my soul, and crushed me from the inside.

As soon as he uttered them, I felt as if a hundred eyes were on me—everyone at the pool had turned to look at me, wondering what I would say or do.

Then it Happened...

One kid burst out laughing...
Then another, and another... And the
laughter got louder and louder.

I saw the little twerp’s mom out of the corner of my eye.

She grabbed him, pulled him to the side, and started scolding him.

But it was too late, the damage had already been done. I didn’t know what to do, so I just pretended nothing had happened.

I walked back to my deck chair, put on my sunglasses, and looked at my phone.

On the inside, I was crying.

I knew it shouldn’t have bothered me that much... I knew kids could say nasty things like this all the time but it still hurt.

It Hurt Because that
Kid was Right.

I was fat.

In fact, I was the fattest I’d ever been:

  • My bum was busting out of my swimsuits and undies...
  • I had cellulite and flabby fat all over my stomach, thighs, and arms…
  • My bra dug into my skin constantly, and my back fat was always bulging...
  • Even my usual baggy T-shirts felt tight, and weren’t comfortable anymore.

The truth was I couldn’t hate that kid for stating the obvious.

I was fat. And I hated myself, more than I could ever hate that kid.

Now, to be fair…

I had tried to “fix it” over the years.

To lose weight, I turned vegan for a while, attempted intermittent fasting, gave Noom a shot, and went on Keto, Paleo, and Mediterranean diets…

Shoot, I even tried to embrace all that body positivity BS. I thought if I was just kinder to myself about my weight, it would help. Ha! What a joke.

Now, Those Diets Did Work
—at Least For a While.

I’d lose a few pounds and
feel good.
Then a week or so later, I’d gain them
all back... and more.

So I gave up.

And that’s how I ended up at the pool, hiding behind my sunglasses, holding back a river of tears.

Now, I hate telling that story.

It’s embarrassing. But I’m telling it to you today because that experience at the pool totally changed my life, and it could change yours too.

You see…

That was the day I decided I was going to lose all my excess weight—once and for all.

That was also the day I dove into weight-loss research, looking for a feasible solution.

And Spoiler Alert:
I Did Find a Solution.

It’s been 8 months since that terrible day.

And I can proudly say: I’m 61 pounds lighter.

And guess what? I lost all that weight…

Without extreme dieting…

Without extreme dieting…

Without exercising daily…

Without exercising daily…

And without spending $1000+ on those “weight-loss shots” with short-term effects.

And without spending $1000+ on those “weight-loss shots” with short-term effects.

So, how did I do it?

Well, I Simply Took
20 “Candy Drops” a Day…

And my appetite went away.

I started eating less and my metabolism sped up, as if I was an 18-year-old again.

I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.

Just take a look for yourself.

Do You Want to Know
the Best Part?

I’ve helped others do the same
—in a matter of weeks.

Women like Susan, who says:

“This is the best investment I've made in my journey to getting healthy! It’s only been 3 weeks and I’m already down 12.5 lbs! I had to take photos because I could hardly believe the weighing scale.”

— Susan Moore, 52 (California)

Then there’s Melanie, who shares:

“I’ve been using it for ONLY 14 days. I still eat things I shouldn't… and yet I’ve lost over 10 lbs. I’m so happy I could cry!

— Melanie Ridler, 52 (Arizona)

And last but not least, Kelly, who declares:

“I've been using this for about 10 days now, and I've lost 5 lbs. I feel like I have hope again.”

— Kelly Elmore, 45 (Florida)

In just a few minutes, I’ll show you how you can use those same “candy drops” to get similar results.

But first, let me formally introduce myself.

I’m Casey William** From
New Castle, Delaware.

I’m not a doctor. I’m not a
Harvard professor.

I’m a semi-successful real estate agent. I’m a wife, and a mother...

A regular middle-aged woman.

And I wasn’t always “fat”. But I noticed a disturbing recurrence when I hit my 35th birthday...

I was gaining a pound or two, just about every week, almost as if I was pregnant.

But I wasn’t, of course.

It was strange because even though I hadn’t been exercising less or eating more...

The scale kept going up.

It was Clear My Metabolism
Had Slowed Down...

In fact, it felt like it had come
to a screeching halt.

I used to have pasta and a piece of garlic bread for dinner once a week, and would weigh the same the following day.

Not anymore.

After I turned 35, I always gained a quarter of a pound or more the next day, when I ate the same pasta.

After 10 months of putting on about 2 pounds
a week...

I was the heaviest I’d ever been: I weighed a whopping 225 pounds.

To put that into perspective, that’s how much Mike Tyson weighs.

But I had no left hook, no sporting achievements, and no sponsors...

I was Just an Obese
35-Year-Old Woman Who Looked Worse than
Anyone Her Age.

I had gone up 3 sizes and I couldn’t
recognize myself in the mirror.

It made no sense... I hadn’t changed the way I ate.

I ran around the block each morning, as I’d been doing for 20 years...

Why was I 80 pounds heavier than before?

The pool incident was the final straw for me. That was when I started doing some in-depth research.

Every night, I’d spend hours online, sifting through clinical studies and PubMed science journals...

I had to find out why I was inexplicably gaining weight. I became obsessed.

I was telling my sister, Dana, all about it on the phone one night, when she said I should talk to her son, David.

You See, My Nephew was in the 3rd Battalion of the US Military in 2020...

He had been stationed in Afghanistan, until Trump pulled him out in March of that year.

Dana told me David had been involved in some military medical experiments, and he had recently discovered something called “Hormone X”.

He believed “Hormone X” was the reason so many Americans were gaining weight uncontrollably.

Fortunately, David was in town, and Dana said I could call him the next day to learn more about it. So I called David the next day, and he explained all about the military experiments.

He told me this:

Military doctors and military scientists have grants from
the US government to conduct all kinds of experiments on
our soldiers.

I cringed at the thought. David said he was disturbed by it too.

But He Revealed that the
Military Scientists Sometimes
Hit Upon Something that
Really Help People.

David told me that during his time...

There had been a study where 3 doctors were tasked to reduce the body fat of the US Army population by 15% and replace it with muscle.

The US government hoped that our soldiers would be stronger and have more endurance...

So that the United States Armed Forces
would be tougher and more powerful than
our enemies.

That way, they wouldn't have to recruit more men to boost their manpower, or need to increase the US defense budget.

It was like they were turning regular soldiers into super soldiers.

David Said the Goal was to
Produce Leaner Soldiers with
Efficient Bodies…

Who could hold their breaths longer, endure more,
and get more done on less sleep.

The test, if it went well...

Would raise their metabolism—that is, the rate at which they turned fat into energy—by 30%, and decrease their BMI by over 18%.

David said that for the study, they had everyone in the battalion line up and then the medic gave the soldiers some liquid from a small bottle…

By extracting a little of it at a time using a dropper, and letting the drops fall onto the soldiers' tongues.

Afterwhich, the soldiers were told to go about their daily duties.

After just a few days of taking those drops, the soldiers said that their mood had improved.

They reported having extra energy, and not feeling as hungry as before.

And when measured in tests:

Their number of push-ups per day went up by 28%.

Their number of pull-ups per day went up by 32%.

Their calorie intake went down by 200 calories—with practically no complaints of hunger from anyone.

They were losing fat, and it was being replaced
by muscle...

The bottom line?

The soldiers had become stronger.

The soldiers had become stronger.

They were happier.

They were happier.

And they were losing weight...

And they were
losing weight...

And increasing muscle mass every single day.

And increasing muscle mass every single day.

Over the Next Few
Months, the Soldiers
Gained Over 10 Pounds
of Muscle, on Average...

And they said they had never
felt better!

I asked David if I could try those magic drops.

David replied that he might be able to get one of the military doctors to reveal what was in those drops…

And he was excited because he knew it could help me—and thousands of other civilians struggling with their weight.

It was every weight-loss dreamer’s fantasy:

A few drops and you immediately stop being hungry.

A few drops and you immediately stop being hungry.

A few drops and you promptly start burning calories in your sleep.

A few drops and you promptly start burning calories in your sleep.

A few drops and your metabolism instantly skyrockets.

A few drops and your metabolism instantly skyrockets.

A few drops and you start turning fat into muscle—at an incredibly fast rate.

A few drops and you start turning fat into muscle—at an incredibly fast rate.

Yet, it was Totally Safe…

And—as you’ll soon find out—completely natural too.

If David could get hold of the formula, it would be the most exciting business idea there ever was:

Simple drops that help you lose weight easily.

When I got off the phone that day, I was filled with hope. It was the first time in a long time that I’d felt that way.

But I didn’t hear from David for quite a while after that, and I started to worry.

Then about 7 weeks later, David called.

He told me he couldn’t access the actual formula from that particular experiment because it was classified.

But he’d learned exactly how the military liquid worked in the body…

And how it helped with weight loss by targeting something called Hormone X. (More on that, in a minute.) But the best part of the call was this:

He said he was able to identify 3 key ingredients that he was certain would produce similar weight-loss results.

David Called Them
“Holy Trinity of
Weight Loss”.

What makes these
3 ingredients so powerful?

We first have to understand that feelings of hunger, slow metabolism, and weight gain are the result of a particular hormone we’ll call “Hormone X”.

It kills diets.

It’s the reason we can’t shed our excess pounds, no matter what we do.

When there is too much “Hormone X” in our bodies, losing weight becomes an uphill battle. It causes weight gain in 3 ways:

#1: It slows down your metabolism.

The more Hormone X there is in your bloodstream, the harder it is for your body to burn fat cells and turn them into energy through metabolic processes.

It doesn’t help that our metabolism naturally gets slower as we age, as well—that’s why we don’t burn off what we eat as quickly now as we did in our 20s.

#2: When Hormone X is in your bloodstream, it simply makes
you hungry.

The hungrier you are, the more you’ll eat. With the extra calories you’re tacking on... weight gain is guaranteed.

#3: Hormone X decreases your body’s ability to burn fat.

The less fat you burn, the more you store—which leads to weight gain.

According to extensive research conducted on weight-loss, Japan and Kenya are home to the slimmest and healthiest individuals in the world.

These people have low levels of Hormone X in their blood.

There is a direct correlation between how much Hormone X there is in your blood and how much weight you lose...

The Less Hormone X
You Have,
the More Fat
You’ll Burn.

Now most doctors know about Hormone X, but they haven’t been taught how to deal with it…

So they ignore it, and just tell you to eat less and exercise more.

But the doctors in the military experiment knew that even if you ran all day and starved yourself, you still wouldn’t lose weight—if you have too much Hormone X in your system.

And that was why David said the first ingredient in the “Holy Trinity of Weight Loss” should be:

Capsicum Annuum

An herb that’s closely related to the chili pepper, Capsicum Annuum suppresses Hormone X, but that’s just the beginning:

It has been used by different cultures as a medication since 7,000 BC.

Not only is it known to trigger weight loss, it also helps stop inflammation, and is a proven cure for rheumatoid arthritis.

The subjects in the military experiment had shed more weight with Capsicum Annuum than any other ingredient David had tested.

In the course of his research work, he’d also learnt that Amazonian tribes—whose members had never seen an obese person for generations—frequently used this natural wonder.

So it was a no-brainer to make it the first ingredient in his weight-loss formula.

The next ingredient is…


L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that works miracles, when it comes to boosting metabolism. Your metabolism will take off like a hypersonic missile with
this ingredient...

And you’ll be converting fat into energy throughout the day, and even while
you sleep.

L-Tyrosine synthesizes thyroid hormones; specifically, thyroxine, which is called T4.

When your body lacks T4, lethargy and weight gain will kick in, and you’ll experience skin dryness, forgetfulness, constipation, and depression as well.

L-Tyrosine also helps with suppressing Hormone X.

And last but not least, the third ingredient in this “holy” trio is...

Coleus Root

It is found in the root of the coleus plant which is part of the mint family. This plant grows naturally on the mountainous slopes of Nepal, India, and Thailand.

Coleus root has been shown in multiple double-blind studies to suppress Hormone X—so much so that weight loss becomes almost a certainty.

The most exciting fact about Coleus root is that science shows it can help you lose 9.9 pounds of belly fat without the need for ANY exercise or dieting…

Plus, it’s a crucial compound that can release trapped fat where it matters the most: your belly and your hips.

That’s the “Holy Trinity
of Weight Loss”.

That was what they were
giving the soldiers.

After David told me all about the benefits of the 3 ingredients, I wanted to give it a try. And luckily, David is a very well-connected guy...

He reached out to his friend, Alex Del Pizzo***, at Simple Promise—one of the world’s most respected nutritional science companies that specializes in natural supplements.

David asked Alex to make a prototype of the weight-loss formulation he had in mind…

So that he could test it out to see if it could actually help me lose weight.

Alex agreed.

David hoped it would work because he knew we could offer it to others, if it did.

The Drops Arrived
in My Mailbox
a Few
Weeks Later.

6 small bottles made of sturdy,
unbreakable glass.

The labeling was nice and the liquid was clear. It smelled good too—almost sweet.

But would a few drops of this stuff really make a difference?

There was only one way to find out.

David said to add 10 drops to a glass of water, 2 times a day…

Drink it, and let it work its magic.

So I did that.

And For Some Reason, I
Got the
Best Sleep of My
Life That Night.

Mind you, I had eaten a
bowl of pasta for dinner...

And normally, that would’ve made me gain a quarter of a pound or more.

So, what actually happened?

Well... I weighed
225 pounds, when I went to bed.

I woke up in the morning, and I was 224.2 pounds. OMG!

I Had Lost Almost a Pound,
While I Slept.

Did that really happen? Could that stuff really
be that good? Or was it just a fluke?

The only way to confirm its efficacy was to keep trying it.

So I continued taking the drops the next day. And I thought to myself:

“Man, this actually tastes pretty good;
almost like candy.”


The next day, I stepped on the scale. I was scared, thinking it was all too good to be true.

Maybe I had dreamed the whole thing. I mean, c’mon, candy drops that make you lose weight?

It couldn’t be real.

But it was...

I looked at the scale, and it read: 223.3 pounds.

I Could Hardly
Believe it—
I’d Lost
Almost a Pound Again.

And I wasn’t on a diet at all, or exercising much.





















I’d lost 4 pounds—in 6 days!

By then, my favorite skirt had become really loose on me, and I was considering getting it in a smaller size.

It was nuts. All that, from some candy drops!

So I Followed the Given
Instructions Closely...

And I took the drops for
a full 6 months.

Thanks to those drops by the end of those 6 months…

I went from looking like this:

I went from looking like this:

To looking like this:

To looking like this:

And please note...

I wasn’t on a diet at all.

I ate the same way I did when I gained 50 pounds.

But Despite that I Didn’t
Gain Any Weight…

In fact, I LOST 60 pounds.

I was walking on clouds at that point.

I had never been so excited.

I told David I wanted to help other women like me who were really feeling lost, hopeless, and desperate. Women who felt like they couldn’t lose weight, no matter how—or what—they tried.

So we worked with Simple Promise to produce more of those effective “candy drops”.

We liked Simple Promise because they use the purest natural ingredients that have been clinically-tested.

Plus, they manufacture all their products in cGMP-certified facilities with the strictest standards.

Once we got a few more bottles of those magic drops, I shared them with my friends, co-workers, and family...

And Here’s What
They Had to Say:

“I’m not hungry between meals anymore.”

“The product has a pleasant taste. I’ve only been taking it for a week and a half, and I’m already noticing that I’m not as hungry as I used to be. I’m definitely not waking up in the middle of the night hungry. It’s worth the money to me because it curbs my appetite.”

— Kasey Roy, 61 (Idaho)

“This can curb all your cravings…”

“I was wondering why I didn't feel hungry…After thinking about what I’d done differently, I was like, ‘Omg, it’s the drops!’ This really killed my cravings...which I thought would be impossible, as I have a huge appetite.”

— Tom Kerr, 67 (Missouri)

“I’m ordering more. It REALLY works. 😁”

“I started at 233 lbs and was able to go down to 225...with NO exercise. I’m ordering more, and this time, I’m looking forward to putting in a little exercise. I’ll post pictures after this because the results are too good not to share.”

— Willie Pringle, 55 (California)

You’re one of my peeps now. You’re next.

Let me introduce you to:


XanoBurnTM Is a Liquid
Blend of
22 Proven
Natural Ingredients.

This fat-burning formulation specifically targets Hormone X to help you lose stubborn fat.

We also included other fat-busting ingredients to XanoBurn™ to make it even more effective.

We Added
African Mango…


Because in a 10-week randomized controlled study...

52 adults who took 300 mg of African Mango daily lost an average of 28 pounds (12.7 kg).

Their waist circumference was reduced by 6.4 inches (16.2 cm), and they saw a 6.3% decrease in body fat as well.

28 pounds in 10 weeks is downright insane.

We Also Added the
All‑Powerful GABA…

A natural amino acid that fights obesity...

GABA significantly inhibited all weight gain in mice fed a high fat diet.

It is the cherry on top of what is already a potent weight-loss solution.

Combining these 2 ingredients with the original 3?

You get pure magic in a single drop and the most powerful fat-burning fix to ever reach the civilian population.

However, There Is
Some Bad News…

We didn’t make
enough XanoBurnTM.

We didn’t realize that literally tens of thousands of women would crash our site every day to purchase it…

We thought 10,000 bottles would be enough.

But it hasn’t been enough.

The word on XanoBurn™ is out...

And people are going insane trying to get it.

The incredible number of sales we’re getting is blowing David and me away.

The problem is we are constantly
running out of stock.

Limited Stocks!

Now, We are Working to Address This.

But global supply chain issues, combined with a scarcity of the ingredients that make up XanoBurn™, have made it difficult to fix this problem.

I estimate it will take at least 6 months for us to have a full supply again.

The truth is we currently only have a few thousand bottles left.

So I should warn you, there’s a 99.9% chance that we will run out of XanoBurn™ in the next couple of weeks.

And when we do, we won’t have any stock of it till months later.

So Here We are.
With Just a Few Bottles Left.

And tens of thousands of people
reading this article, along with you.

These bottles will sell out in no time so if you’re reading my story, this is it.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Because one day—and it could even be today
—this website will have a big “SOLD OUT
sign on it...

It could even happen within this hour, or the next. I don’t know but you don’t want to find out.

Instead, you should lock in your order, and get a comfortable supply of XanoBurn™ now—to welcome your new body.

Join Rita, who lost 65 pounds
—in 6 months. She says:

“This stuff works like a miracle.”

“I didn’t know 10 drops mixed with water could totally transform my body. But it’s true—they can. This stuff works, and my Chris is absolutely obsessed with my body now. We can’t take our hands off each other.”

— Rita

That’s great, Rita.

And Maria, who lost 15 pounds
—in 15 days.
She writes:

“I lost all that weight in only half a month…”

“Just like you promised, I lost all that weight in only half a month. What really surprises me is how good I feel. I’m not hungry, so I’m eating less—but my energy levels are way up. This truly is an unbelievable ‘hack’ for losing weight. I don’t know how it works, but I’m just glad it does...”

— Maria

Awesome news, Maria!

Now, let me tell you:

Women Who Take XanoBurnTM For a
Full 6 Months Get
the Best Results.

Most of the scientific studies that had been conducted on its ingredients lasted over 6 months. Many of the testimonials that you’ve heard are from people who have taken it for 6 months.

Sure, you can take XanoBurn™ for a month to see how it goes.

And you will get results.

But what if you come back to our website after that, and find it’s sold out…

And you can’t carry on with your incredible weight–loss journey?

I don’t want that for you.

That’s Why I Recommend that You Try XanoBurnTM For at Least 6 Months.

Now you’re probably wondering
how much it is going to cost.

  • Considering the amount of time and research we’ve put into formulating XanoBurn™…
  • Considering the premium quality of the natural ingredients in XanoBurn™…
  • And considering that our formulation adheres to the strictest standards because it’s made in a cGMP-certified facility that complies with FDA regulations…

We could charge $150 a bottle. In fact, our finance team suggested it.

But today, you won’t pay $150 dollars for a bottle. Not even $89.

Instead, You Can Secure a
30-Day Supply of XanoBurnTM
For Just $49 a bottle.































This offer is only valid today. And if you get 6 bottles right now—a full 6-month supply which I highly recommend…

You Pay Just
$33 Per Bottle.

That works out to be a
62% discount
and just a little over $1 a day…

Which makes this offer today a no-brainer, in my opinion.

And because I’m SO confident that XanoBurn™ will work for you…

If you’re not blown away by the difference when you look in the mirror—you won’t pay
a penny!

Seriously. Here’s the deal:

  • This purchase will be painless.
  • Even pleasurable.
  • Because we have the ultimate guarantee: You lose 50 pounds in 6 months. Or you don’t pay.

If You Don't Lose 50 Pounds
in 6 Months, You’ll Get All
Your Money Back.

And I am giving you a
FULL YEAR to try this.

If you don’t like it…

If you don’t lose the weight you want…

Just send an email to our customer support team, and we’ll return every penny you paid. You’ll get all your money back—no questions asked.

365 Days Money Back Guarantee

At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.

Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.

You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give XanoBurn™ a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.

If at any time you are not happy with XanoBurn™, just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately.

No questions asked. We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

And to sweeten the
deal for you today, when

you buy a 3- or 6-month supply of XanoBurnTM

We’re Also Throwing in Some
Weight-Loss Bonuses!

The first one is called:

Bonus #1:

Bedtime Rituals That
Help You
Lose Weight While You Sleep
($19 Value)

Did you know that the amount of sleep you get and the quality plays a pivotal role in helping you meet your weight loss goals?

Science shows there is an intrinsic connection between your weight and how well you sleep.

Whether you are struggling to lose the extra pounds or just want a more defined waistline, simple adjustments to your bedtime routine—along with XanoBurn™—will jumpstart your weight-loss goals.

In this guide, you will discover the easiest changes you can make to your sleep routine to help you shed weight even faster.

This guide usually retails for $19…

But today, we’re giving it to you for FREE when you order the 3- or 6‑bottle packages of XanoBurn™.

As for the second bonus, it’s a recipe book called:

Bonus #2:

Top Desserts & Sweet Treats
for Maximum Weight Loss
($39 Value)

Look, we’ve all been on a diet before.

We’ve all given up our favorite foods hoping that would make us skinnier.

And the truth is, it’s not sustainable.

If you’ve tried those deprivation diets you know it too.

In this book, you will find easy recipes for delicious desserts and sweet treats. So you can eat, drink, and be merry—without gaining extra weight.

This recipe book normally retails for $39…

But today, it's yours for free when you choose either the 3- or 6‑bottle packages of XanoBurn™.

And last but not least, the final bonus is called:

Bonus #3:

How to Eat Whatever You Want
and Still Lose Weight
($39 Value)

As I mentioned above, deprivation diets don’t work.

Giving up the food you love might be possible for a week or two…

But before you know it, you will be binging on chips and cake because you’ve deprived yourself.

It will kill your confidence. Make you feel bad about yourself.

And it won’t help you lose weight.

In this guide, you’ll learn how you can eat the foods you enjoy—and STILL lose weight. I’ve used this guide, and it’s totally changed the way I look at food.

This indispensable guide retails for $39…

And just like the 2 bonuses above, it’s yours for free when you get the 3- or 6‑bottle package of XanoBurn™.

Now, you do not need these bonuses for XanoBurn™ to work, of course.

It works well, all on its own.

I merely want to offer these useful guides to those who are serious about losing weight fast.

Simply Add Your
6-Month Supply
of XanoBurnTM to Your Cart.

And we’ll get it to you in 5–7 business days.































When you receive it, open the package, and drink those delicious drops.

You’ll wake up the next day a pound lighter—guaranteed.

So Don’t Delay.
Order it Right Away.

We could run out of
at any moment.

You deserve this.

You have to give it a shot, at least.

Click on the “Add To Cart” button now.

You’ll feel so good about this purchase because your success is guaranteed.

Don’t delay, or you’ll lose out.

Don’t let that happen.

Take action, while you can—and while we still have stock for you. Hit the button and walk away with the weight-loss game-changer of the decade: XanoBurn™.

These drops taste great. But they do a lot more than taste good.

They will transform your body.

Don’t Forget, You are Backed By Our
365‑Day Money-Back Guarantee.

So your purchase today is really a trial.
You have NOTHING to lose.

And remember, when you buy a 3- or 6-month supply of XanoBurn™, you’re also getting the 3 bonuses worth $97.

Here they are again:

  • Bedtime Rituals That Help You Lose Weight While You Sleep
  • Top Desserts & Sweet Treat Recipes For Maximum Weight Loss
  • How to Eat Whatever You Want & Lose MORE Weight

All three are yours to keep, when you get the 3- or 6-bottle packages.

So go for it.

Hit the “Add To Cart”
Button Now.

Fill out the order form, and I’ll
see you
on the other side with a sweet surprise.































Now, some of you are hesitating because you have questions...

No worries. Let’s go through the most common questions I get about XanoBurn™, so you can quickly purchase it without any qualms.

Frequently Asked Questions

I wish my answer could be more complex and interesting, but it’s not.

XanoBurn™ is for anyone who wants to lose any amount of weight. Period.

It could be 5 pounds, 50 pounds, or even 150 pounds.

Anyone who takes XanoBurn™ for 6 months will be slimmer and healthier—and possibly the best version of themselves—by the end of that time.

No matter their starting point. If you’re rail-thin, XanoBurn™ is not for you...

But if you are not totally happy with what you see in the mirror, XanoBurn™ will help you lose that excess weight... even the stubborn fat on your thighs, back, arms, and elsewhere on your body.

The ingredients in XanoBurn™ have been proven by multiple scientific studies to effectively target and suppress Hormone X—the hunger hormone known as ghrelin.

When ghrelin is suppressed by the ingredients in XanoBurn™,
3 things happen:

  • Your metabolism speeds up
  • You burn more fat
  • You store less fat

Great question. It takes approximately 3 hours for the ingredients in XanoBurn™ to be absorbed fully into your bloodstream.

This means that when you take XanoBurn™ in the morning, you’ll be steadily losing weight while you go about your daily activities.

And when you take it before bed, you’ll be burning fat stores while you sleep. You’ll wake up in the morning to a scale reading that will make you jump for joy—every single day.

People who take it for 6 months straight get the best results. This makes sense because the science also shows that the ingredients in XanoBurn™ are more effective over a 6-month period.

XanoBurn™ is a unique liquid blend of 22 proven natural ingredients. This fat-burning formulation specifically targets Hormone X to help you lose stubborn fat.

Read the full list of ingredients here:

Mix 10 drops of XanoBurn™ in water or a beverage of your choice for consumption twice daily.

The convenient dropper cap will help you to measure out the drops. And you’re done!

Don’t be surprised if you fall in love with the taste of XanoBurn™.

If you are losing weight too quickly, simply take half the number of drops.

This way, your weight loss will slow down to a level that’s more comfortable for you. There is no rush.

The most important thing is that you REACH your weight-loss goal, not WHEN you reach it.

To date, none of our customers have experienced this.

But if XanoBurn™ doesn’t work for you, you’ll get a full refund.

Just email our customer support team with the word “refund” in the subject line. We will look up your order and rush your refund.

This is the best part!

Just click on one of the packages below and place your order.

You’ll proceed to our encrypted checkout page that will keep your information 100% safe...

Fill in the secure order form with your details and once you’ve submitted your order…

We’ll send your package directly to your door.

You’re covered by our 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee too.

So there’s no reason not to place your order today.

We have stock of XanoBurn™ right now because of this exclusive promotion.

But our stock is limited, and will run out soon…

And it won’t be easily replenished because of the current global supply chain and shipment issues that are causing worldwide shortages of goods.

So you should quickly take advantage of the steepest discounts ever on XanoBurn™ and order it today with peace of mind, thanks to our money-back guarantee.

Those are The Most Common Questions
I Get About XanoBurn

Hopefully, all of your questions
were answered there.

But if you’re still not sure if it is going to work for you…

The only way to find out now is by choosing the package that’s right for you. Simply click on the 6-bottle, 3-bottle or 1-bottle option, and complete your secure order.

Remember: Your order comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can try XanoBurn™ totally risk-free.

Get started asap, and experience its efficacy firsthand:

  • Find out how powerful XanoBurn™ really is.
  • See a change in the mirror.
  • Enjoy the incredible changes it brings.
  • Then… feel confident about keeping it!

And let me be honest
with you here…

Isn’t it Better to Try Something Different
NOW, Rather than
Wonder “What If…?” For the Rest of Your Life?

If you’re anything like the people I’ve helped, then you’ve spent a LOT of time putting everyone else first.

Don’t you think it’s time to care for yourself, and make your health a priority?

Because losing weight and being lean is so much more than just looking good…

It’s about being healthy and strong, and becoming the best possible version of yourself.

So, prioritize yourself.

Start getting in shape with XanoBurn™, so you can be healthy for a long time.

Do it for your family, your kids, and your grandkids.

Because Life Is Too Short.

And I bet you want to
every moment with
your loved ones.

And let’s be real, there aren’t many things you can get for such a low price that will have such an impact on your life.

Think about it…

You could enjoy a nice dinner out or fill up your gas tank one time, if you’re lucky…

But how many things can actually change your life and the quality of your everyday experiences, for that price?

Not many, right?

So you have two choices…

You either continue to miss out on all the great experiences life has to offer…

Or you make the smarter choice.

The only one that makes
sense, in my opinion…

Which Is to Simply Try XanoBurnTM
and Feel the Difference
it Will Make In Your Life.

Look, you won’t know what it’s like, until you try it...

So go ahead—click the button below, and pick from the 3 discounted options.

Remember, you’re fully protected by our 365‑day money-back guarantee, which means there’s no risk for you.

If you don’t see a slimmer you in the mirror and feel like a different person, just call us toll-free at 1-800-259-9522 or send us an email…

And we’ll give you a full refund—no questions asked.

It doesn’t matter even if the bottles are empty.

So, Make TODAY the Day
You Change Your Life.

Take advantage of the
on THIS page.

Just select the number of bottles that works best for you…

And click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.

Thank you again for joining me today.

I look forward to welcoming you to our amazing XanoBurn™ community, and seeing your incredible before-and-after pics.







































